More than Words

The "Oto Reisinger House of Cartoons" Sparks Wide Public Interest

On March 2024, Zagreb's cultural scene was enriched by an artistic project that had already sparked wide public interest even before its official opening. Located at 44 A Radićeva Street, the "Oto Reisinger House of Cartoons" has officially opened its doors.

An Ever-Evolving Exhibit 

Many guests from public, social, and cultural life attended the eagerly awaited opening, many of whom were close friends of the late Oto Reisinger. Oto Reisinger, the legendary Croatian caricaturist, left behind a vast body of work that is not only historically significant but also highly relevant today due to its universal themes. Thanks to the persistence and efforts of his family, a selection of Reisinger's work across all his thematic focuses is now presented to the public. 

Given the volume of his work, the exhibit will change periodically. The first display features caricatures that sharply and humorously comment on everyday life, politics, sports, ecology, and even erotica. It also includes a tribute to his comics about Štefek and a section dedicated to Reisinger himself, showcasing his working methods and numerous awards.  

The gallery also plans to feature exhibitions by younger artists who follow the artistic paths Reisinger paved: caricature, comics, illustration, and animation, with an emphasis on humor and fun. "We wanted to offer visitors an insight into Oto Reisinger's rich creative output while ensuring they have fun and laugh," said Marko Reisinger. "We are happy and proud to have successfully completed this project despite numerous challenges, and that our grandfather's rich artistic legacy has found its place in the city that is an inseparable part of his identity." 

FOTO: Marko Uzelac

Image credit: MARKO UZELAC

A Lasting Legacy 

Oto Reisinger's chronicles span over six decades and include more than 50,000 drawings. The exhibit at the "Oto Reisinger House of Cartoons" was curated with the help of art historian Prof. Frano Dulibić, who emphasized Reisinger's diverse themes, quality of drawing, balance of image and text, and the strength of his witty ideas that expose, criticize, provoke, and most importantly, amuse. 

"Reisinger was one of the few caricaturists equally adept at both portrait and situational caricature. Some of his works transcend their daily or weekly roles as they address long-term issues affecting local communities or the world, such as wars, global hunger, water and oil crises, and terrorism," said Dulibić. "Through his most popular character, Pero, he provided humorous commentary on everyday life, making it easier for thousands of viewers to cope by offering a lighter perspective." 

FOTO: Marko Uzelac

Image credit: MARKO UZELAC

A Cultural Enrichment for Zagreb 

Eight years after his death, Oto Reisinger’s legacy continues to inspire. His caricatures, which for years humorously and critically dissected social phenomena in the newspaper Vjesnik, now have a permanent home where characters like Pero, Klara, and Štefek can be appreciated by new generations. 

The opening of the "Oto Reisinger House of Cartoons" marks a significant cultural milestone for Zagreb, celebrating the legacy of a beloved artist and ensuring his spirit continues to bring joy and laughter to all who visit. 

We believe this project will beautifully showcase the incredible oeuvre of an internationally recognized artist and enrich Zagreb's cultural scene. It will also convey his spirit and unpretentious character, open to all, just like the doors of the House of Cartoons that bears his name. 

The "Oto Reisinger House of Caritoons" is open daily, except on holidays, from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Tickets can be purchased at the information desk. For more information, visit the official website and follow their social media channels. 

Header image credit: MARKO UZELAC

Author: Valentin Preložiček