More than Words

Smogovci - "Heroes" From the Neighbourhood

The longest Croatian series following adventures of six brothers living in Zagreb's Pescenica neighbourhood

''Smogovci'' is one of the most popular Croatian TV series of all time which follows the adventures of six Vragec brothers and their neighbours in Naselak - a fictitious disorderly settlement that was created on the template of real Zagreb’s neighbourhood Stara Pešćenica.

The series was created by writer Hrvoje Hitrec and it contains 5 books. He was born in Zagreb in 1943 and was the chief editor of humorous magazine Kerempuh, the first Director General of Croatian TV and even the Minister of Information. The idea to make a series from Hitrec’s books came in 1982 from the editor of the program for children and youth - Pajo Kanizaj. There were 38 episodes filmed in six seasons. Episodes from the 1st to the 31st were recorded between 1982 and 1991, while the last seven were recorded until the mid-90s.


Image credit: Croatian Radio-Television


Scene for life

I can still clearly remember one thing like it was yesterday. It was the opening scene of Smogovci. It displays the aerial photographs of Zagreb over Kaptol (the area around the cathedral) and then east to the streets in the neighbourhood of Naselak - Pescenica. The music from the opening credits belongs to the famous western The Magnificent Seven (1960) by John Sturges. This scene is simply breathtaking. Six brothers marching confidently, with their heads up, dressed as cowboys. From the smallest to the oldest, they are all in the same situation. Growing up intertwined with the lack of money and the parents but resulting in a variety of feats and imaginative ways of survival.


Who are Smogovci?

Since there are a lot of episodes, I will present you a short story that goes on through seasons. As mentioned, the brothers live in a small district Naselak that is always wrapped in smog. That is how brothers got their group nickname, and consequently, the name of the series was created. There was an overall division between "those above", a little wealthier inhabitants and "those down," mostly poor inhabitants. The former live in a skyscraper, and the latter in small, scattered houses. Vragec brothers live in an old wooden house. In the very first episode, we got to meet the main characters. For six brothers life was not easy. They grew up without their father's presence, and their mother Melita had to feed her family somehow and take the job in the distant Germany.


The family Vragec, sorted by age, are Dragec the eldest brother and the head of the family. He takes care of all of them. He is very caring, hard-working and conscientious. That is why he always pulls the family out of difficult situations. Pero is an excellent Dinamo footballer. Although he is stealing, he's a good, honest and hard-working guy. Mazalo is a painter in the making, a lover of art. His greatest love is Dunja whose life he saved. He’s very courageous, responsible and helps others in need whenever he can. Cobra is a lover of chemistry, physics and biology, dreaming that one day he will become a Nobel laureate. His inventions help the rest of the brothers. Stefek is a student who never learns anything but always knows everything. Buco is a glutton, he loves sausages and is overweight. In spite of all, he’s smart and can surprise with an unexpected help at the right time.


Image credit: Croatian Radio-Television


Adventures in Naselak

Throughout seasons brothers have passed various adventures, problems and successes. I was always excited to see what will happen next in their neighbourhood. From the beginning, there was a real action. Mysterious Phantom started to appear on the bike in the dark abducting women's bags. Brothers were trying to solve the mystery. They acted as if they were about to save the world. Then, one of the younger brothers Cobra wished to visit their mother who works in Germany but somehow ends up in a wrong bus. There are also various problems with other Naselak population. Meanwhile, brothers were building a house that didn’t have a building permission. When the demolition team came, Vragec brothers were sitting at each window of the house. The biggest surprise was that one brother's wife was pregnant. By law, if a pregnant woman is in the house, it should not be demolished. It was really happy ending for all of them.


Sci-fi Smogovci

In the fourth season of the humorous chronicle – Smogovci and beings from outer space, there is a parody of science-fiction genre going on. Therefore, this book is somewhat different from others. Smart Bongo, who comes in contact with beings from another planet Mor and Bor, is again credited for all. They warn that the Earth will soon be in danger and that terrible Kron, who can take over human bodies, is coming. When space monster descends to Earth and comes to Zagreb, he enters the body of one brother. After a few days Mor and Bor, the invisible creatures, come to Earth and with the help of brothers and other residents overcome Kron.


Image credit: Croatian Radio-Television


Smogovci in the War

The last season from the 90s was all about the brothers being in a war, and trying their best to overcome various hardships. Their patriotism and willingness to defend Croatia will come to show on the battlefield. The author tells an interesting story about the war period, the heroism and the cowardice. 


Valuable lessons

One of the many proofs of the popularity of the series were the numerous visits of many celebrities, leaders, actors, singers, and among them, even the Croatian President Franjo Tudman. A humorous vision of an adult from a child's perspective, many serious and important events and extremely likeable characters bring a real joy. It tells us that the most important thing in life is family. If you are surrounded by people you can rely on, there is nothing you can not overcome.


Image credit: Croatian Radio-Television

Even if you are not a millionaire, Vragec brothers show us that you can always have fun and make you laugh your head off. The most popular quote is from inspector Petrovic, called Jack, and he says: "They are small but they are big. I mean, they are not small anymore but are quite big not to be small". No matter how old you are, people can respect you for many reasons and you can contribute to the world by just being yourself, helping others, and loving your family. Many generations have grown up during timeless adventures of the family Vragec, and many more will. Probably, there are a lot of Vragec’s out there.


Header image credit: Croatian Radio-Television

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